Swim stars dive into the Edinburgh International Swim Meet

The Edinburgh International Meet provides a perfect opportunity for those heading to the British Olympic trials in Glasgow in April to assess their preparations for Rio

The Edinburgh International Meet provides a perfect opportunity for those heading to the British Olympic trials in Glasgow in April to assess their preparations for Rio

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Swim Social Blog: Scott Gauld – Volunteering in Masters Swimming

In my last blogs I’d summarised the prep for the European Masters Championships in London, it feels like it was much more than 4 months ago.  Since then I’ve stayed on in London but had certainly had my fill of swimming for a while and I’m now only beginning to find my rhythm getting into… Continue reading Swim Social Blog: Scott Gauld – Volunteering in Masters Swimming

British and Scottish Summer Meets – Important Information about Entries

IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT ENTRIES TO SUMMER MEETS – PLEASE READ!The draft entries for the British and Scottish Summer Meets are now available to view at https://www.swimmingresults.org/  We have noticed that some members whose details are hidden on the database are not and will not appear on the Rankings database and those swimmers will therefore NOT be… Continue reading British and Scottish Summer Meets – Important Information about Entries

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